Tuesday, August 17, 2010

late night [old fogey...]

Since when has five minutes to midnight been "late" in my book? I guess since the last couple of nights... I've been staying up and not going to bed at the same time as my husband so that I can indulge a bit online.

[Of the late, I've gotten a request from one of my closest friends: embrace my Asian-ness... whatever that means. LOL. I guess I'm not "Asian enough"? Like the way I look doesn't already represent to which culture I subscribe...? Maybe I should throw more peace signs up in pictures... Haha...]

I've been looking at this website called Soompi in the past couple of weeks. It's a pop-culture magazine site based out of Korea, but it's pretty much universal. The members are of all cultures, and I guess that's what really drew me. So yeah. I guess this is sort of an experiment in getting in touch with my inner (and outer, I guess, since I can't really help it... lol) Asian. I've been trying to follow fashion and makeup trends, which is freaking out my mom since I'd never really taken any interest in this stuff before. LOL. Rob seems to like it, though... but then again, his entire family AND his longtime friends will all tell you that he's always been into nerdy Asian girls. Harrr harrr.... makes me a perfect fit for him, no? lol. ^___^

So in my late-night escapades, I've found that cosmetology (makeup, hair) has a really strange magnetic effect. At least on me. See... the thing about me is that I thrive on change! And even if it's just superficial, any sort of change is symbolic of unbridled freedom to me. I'd love to be able to liken myself to a chameleon... hmm... but that wouldn't be any fun, would it?

'Cause a chameleon assimilates to its surroundings.

I want to transport myself-- or someone else-- to a realm of infinite aesthetic possibilities. And MAN, just to able to make someone feel beautiful, if even for just a quick instant, would be SUPER rewarding.

I really wish I had a sister or someone who was willing to let me experiment on her. ^_^ Rob already lets me cut his hair!! lol... Hmm..........

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